I don't know exactly where Rivendell Bicycle Works (RBW) belongs in the Zodiac, but it clearly belongs. Despite not having made much profit, or much of a stink about it, Grant Petersen has been one of the most influencial figures in the U.S. bicycle culture of the early 21st century, although it's too soon to gauge how far his influence will be carried into the bicycle industry.
He is a bit of a wingnut, but the things he was talking about ten years ago have all become vital elements of the mainstream bicycle community: long (or standard, if you prefer) reach brakes, fenders, upright riding positions, baskets, regular old pedals, 650b... Of course, these are all practical things that may have (re)appeared regardless of GP's promotion. It's often hard to tell the difference between prediction and influence, or between insight and zeitgeist, or something. Anyway, a nod to the man in the itchy sweater.
NOTE: This was first posted in 2008, but it's even more true today than it was then.