
2007: The Year of ...?

2007 was tough, there was a lot going on.

Here are some candidates:

The Year of the LED?
LED technology has taken over bicycle lighting. There are a few holdouts, but their days are clearly numbered and the pace of LED innovation continues to accelerate.

This year saw the third, not the first, North American Handbuilt Bicycle Show. However, between 2006 and 2008, NAHBS grew by two full orders of magnitude, based on totally unscientific research (the number of pictures returned by searching flickr). Also, in response to the trend, a Best City Bike category was added to the awards.

Flat-Foot or Crank-Forward Technology?
Electra had it long ago, Cannondale went there in 2006, and Specialized went there in 2007. Lets examine this in more detail...

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